We invite scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders in the field of public administration and management to submit papers for presentation at this prestigious event. The conference aims to explore innovative strategies and best practices that promote agility and resilience in public administration, contributing to sustainable development across Africa. The working language shall be English, French, and Arabic..

Important Dates:

  • Submission of Abstract: 15th July 2024
  • Submission of Draft Papers: 15th August 2024 
  • Submission of Completed Papers after Peer Review: 15th September 2024

Submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, and accepted papers will be presented during the conference sessions. Selected papers will also be considered for publication in AAPAM’s esteemed journal and book. We encourage researchers and practitioners to contribute their insights, experiences, and research findings to advance the discourse on agile and resilient public administration in Africa. For submission guidelines and more information, please see attached documents.

Fill the Abstract  Submission form 2024

For any inquire contact us through aapam@aapam.org/ info@aapam.org