AAPAM appreciates the many facets of the Public Service and has thus established various networks, in order to effectively reach these facets.
These networks include;
- AAPAM Young Professionals Network (YPN).
- Africa Public Sector Human Resource Managers’ Network (APS- HRMnet).
- The Africa Cabinet Secretaries Network (ACSnet).
- Women in African Public Administration Network (WAPAN).
- Academia and Researchers Network (ARNnet).
AAPAM Young Professionals Network (YPN)
The YPN is a mentorship platform for young public/civil service professionals. It is composed of young public/civil service professionals (who have joined the public/civil service in the last five years and are 40 years and below). This Network is a civil/public service progression initiative to nurture the youth for the posterity of the continent.
Africa Public Sector Human Resource Managers' Network (APS-HRMnet)
APS-HRmnet was established as recognition to the need for the development of competent and professional human resource managers in Africa’s public sector. It provides public sector human resource managers in Africa platform for advocacy, professional development, networking, information and knowledge sharing. The Network is sponsored by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) , various African Governments and other partners.
Women in African Public Administration Network (WAPAN)
The vision of WAPAN is to promote diversity and gender approach in the African public administration and management. It a network for all Women in the public sector. It is new network recently launched in the AAPAM 37thAnnual Roundtable Conference in Zambia. The Network has held successful plenary sessions in the 38th, 39th and 40th Roundtable conferences in Morocco, Botswana and Egypt respectively.
Network for Academia and Researchers
The Association has established a Network for Academia and Researchers. This network aims at creating a platform for championing the needs and capacity development of the academia and researchers’ fraternity. It also focuses on enhancing their interaction through a common networking platform.