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Pursuant to the recommendations of the Inter-African Public Administration Seminar held in Botswana from the 3rd to the 9th of October, 1970 and recognizing the need for the development of competent administrators and managers for rapid economic and social development of the African continent and in order to promote the study, practice and status of the profession of Public Administration and Management and the adoption of adequate administrative and management practices and in recognizing the importance of co-operation among African States and institutions in the mobilization of resources for the achievement of these objectives;
This representative meeting of the public administrators, managers, institutes of public administration and university schools of administration and management assembled in Freetown, Sierra Leone hereby formally resolve this 6th day of November, 1971 to form the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) and adopt this constitution.
Across Africa, Public Financial Management is an important aspect of Governance, and an essential tool for Accountability, as it assists in ensuring that public funds meant for the delivery of services are managed efficiently. This book provides detailed insightful discussions, and analyses public financial management as a system of six components namely; budgeting, revenue mobilization, public expenditure management, financial reporting, auditing and the regulatory framework.
The discussions reveal how these components as practices, are intertwined and influence service delivery in the decentralized units using the case of the District Assemblies of Ghana. The book emphasizes the need for ensuring that, the public financial management practices are considered and improved as a holistic system if development objectives are to be achieved. In effect, the practices should have the potential of radically and efficiently improving the reach, accessibility, and quality of service delivery not only for the decentralized government units but also for the national governments and their agencies. Buy Now
Auditing practices is one of the key sub-components of public financial management primarily concerned with examining and ascertaining whether public resources were used for the purposes they were budgeted for in line with the set regulations. The objective of this research was to determine the impact of auditing as practiced in Ghana’s district assemblies (DAs) on service delivery. The study used a mixed methods research design to collect qualitative and quantitative data through questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, and document analysis. Thirty-four districts out of 170 that existed in 2008 were sampled. The study gathered information from 612 DA officials, 1020 citizens, 28 key informants and 20 participants in focus group discussions. Quantitative data was measured by using scaled-items, and analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression. For qualitative data, the researcher used thematic summary analysis. According to the findings, citizens rated service delivery poorly, whereas district assembly officials rated service delivery as satisfactory. The research also found that auditing practices had a positive but insignificant effect on service delivery. The study recommends that district assemblies and authorities work hard to integrate and improve innovative communication tools such as websites, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp to supplement the interaction activities of auditors, those who implement audit findings, and other stakeholders. DAs should increase the current capacity of audit staff. DAs should also work towards strengthening the role of sector audit implementation committees, ensure strict enforcement of audit reports, and enforce sanctions of officers culpable of malpractices.
Beyond an undoubtedly disruptive impact, Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution can, according to Ndung’u & Signe (2020) also rebalance value creation in Africa: it could usher in solutions to challenges like low-quality education, climate change, vulnerability and and poor service delivery, and groundbreaking technologysuch as artificial intelligence (AI) could, alongside with enabling empowerment
policies, improve business, health care and livelihoods of all and bring about the inclusivity envisaged by the 2030 SDGs.
This presentation is drawn from the book Fourth industrial revolution and rural development a catalyst connect between rural and urban development in Culture and Rural-Urban Revitalization chapter 12 in South Africa: Indigenous knowledge, Policies and planning edited by Mziwoxolo Sirayi, Modimowabarwa Kanyane and Giulio Verdini, Routledge published in 2021.
Gender Mainstreaming in AAPAM
The world is moving towards gender mainstreaming in a bid to enhance development. A gender mainstreaming policy is therefore a powerful tool that gives men and women a platform to fully realise their potential in the process of development. AAPAM joins likeminded institutions that have embraced gender perspectives in its programmes, activities and projects.
I therefore urge all our partners, members (African Governments, Corporate and individuals) and National Chapters to draw from this policy when planning their activities, programmes and projects.
In preliminary gender mainstreaming workshops and seminars, we realized that mainstreaming demands for a holistic strategy coupled with a positive spirit, a committed attitude and a participatory approach. I therefore, welcome your participation as we work together to enhance gender equity and equality by implementing this policy.
This journey has been made fruitful by the effort of a number of our committed partners and individuals. Special thanks to the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFTAD)- Canada who have funded and fully supported the production of this policy. I am further immensely grateful to Kisanet Tezare- Senior Gender Analyst PAC/Kartini and Dana Peebles, Director – Kartini International/IPAC Gender Advisor for their enormous expertise that has helped carve this policy. I also compliment the AAPAM Executive Committee, Council and Staff for making the production of this policy successful.
I hope that this gender policy opens a new chapter for sourcing, planning, funding, implementing, monitoring and evaluating AAPAM programs and projects.
G. K. Scott
AAPAM Secretary General
Download presentations from the conference below
- 4r, Digital Technologies, E-Services for Modernizing Service Delivery by Dr Florence N.N. Muinde
- APRM Baseline study on CEPA Principles for effective implementation of SDGs & Agenda 2063 by Sara_Pali
- Conference Communique by Mataywa Busieka
- Government accelerator
- HRM Practices in Public Administration Trends and Lessons Learned by Dr. Florence Wachira, MBS
- Implementation of the African Charter on Values and Principles of the Public Service and Administration
- Inclusivity and Diversity Leaving No One Behind by Dr. Edna Moi
- Lessons learned from the United Nations Publics Service Awards (UNPSA) by Dr. John Mary Kauzya (PhD)
- Promoting accountability in public sector institutions and the fight against corruption in pursuit of sustainable development by Dr. Purity K. Gitonga
- SDGs &Agenda 2063 Progress and APRM role in M&E Agenda 2063 by Sara Hamouda
- Strengthening Public Sector Institutions for Sustainable Development In Africa By Simon M. Angote
- Transformational leadership by Dr. John Mary Kauzya (PhD)
AGENDA 2063 is Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. It is the continent’s strategic framework that aims to deliver on its goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance The genesis of Agenda 2063 was the realisation by African leaders that there was a need to refocus and reprioritise Africa’s agenda from the struggle against apartheid and the attainment of political independence for the continent which had been the focus of The Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the precursor of the African Union; and instead to prioritise inclusive social and economic development, continental and regional integration, democratic governance and peace and security amongst other issues aimed at repositioning Africa to becoming a dominant player in the global arena.
As an affirmation of their commitment to support Africa’s new path for attaining inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development African heads of state and government signed the 50th Anniversary Solemn Declaration during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the formation of the OAU /AU in May 2013. The declaration marked the re-dedication of Africa towards the attainment of the Pan African Vision of An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens, representing a dynamic force in the international arena and Agenda 2063 is the concrete manifestation of how the continent intends to achieve this vision within a 50 year period from 2013 to 2063. The Africa of the future was captured in a letter presented by the former Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Nkosazana Dlaminin Zuma.
The need to envision a long-term 50 year development trajectory for Africa is important as Africa needs to revise and adapt its development agenda due to ongoing structural transformations; increased peace and reduction in the number of conflicts; renewed economic growth and social progress; the need for people centered development, gender equality and youth empowerment; changing global contexts such as increased globalization and the ICT revolution; the increased unity of Africa which makes it a global power to be reckoned with and capable of rallying support around its own common agenda; and emerging development and investment opportunities in areas such as agri-business, infrastructure development, health and education as well as the value addition in African commodities
Agenda 2063 encapsulates not only Africa’s Aspirations for the Future but also identifies key Flagship Programmes which can boost Africa’s economic growth and development and lead to the rapid transformation of the continent.
Agenda 2063 also identifies key activities to be undertaken in its 10 year Implementation Plans which will ensure that Agenda 2063 delivers both quantitative and qualitative Transformational Outcomes for Africa’s people.